Saturday, 9 February 2013

Film According to Mr Cinema review: Easy Rider

Easy Rider is Dennis Hopper’s 1969 directing debut. The film follows the story of Wyatt (known as Captain America) and Billy as they ride on their motorbikes to Mardi Gras and observe what had become of America. This movie is a cynical look at American culture and lifestyle; it commentates on the blind hatred radiating from the public towards the “flower children” of the time, the drug culture that the young adults of the day would immerse themselves in and the wreckage of a nation that had fallen to the dogs.

This film is a complete stroke of genius. The plot, the casting, the composition, the execution, everything about this film totally works. The movie is a great entry point into the movie-making sphere. This movie may not appeal to all audiences seeing as it is quite slow and is a dialogue driven piece, meaning that it may not draw the attention of people who like fast paced, action movies; however this film should appeal to anyone who likes a film with plenty of character development and commentary on society. This film is still almost, if not quite as, relevant as the day it was made.

Rating: 9.5/10

1 comment:

  1. So, who was actually in it? I have a feeling it wasn't only the director's debut.
