“Terror Toons” is Joe Castro’s 2002 straight-to-video horror/comedy b-movie
gorefest. In the film, Cindy (Beverly Lynn) receives a DVD sent by Satan
himself in the mail while her parents are away for the weekend; she proceeds to
watch it, to find that the two homicidal cartoon characters that are on the DVD
transport from their television realm into the human realm to wreak
surprisingly nasty, bloody havoc. Meanwhile Cindy’s older sister, Candy (Lizzy
Borden) is having a house party downstairs with her friends, will she manage to
save the day, or will the toons conquer the world.
I saw this film about a month back on YouTube,
and knew that I was in for a chortle or two after the first 4 minutes. “Terror
Toons” is a very entertaining little schlock-horror movie. If you drop all
pretence towards any pretence towards watching an artistically great film at
the door, you are more than likely to have a good time watching this film. I
certainly enjoyed this film, just because it was a fun little movie with laugh
worthy acting, shitty directing and actually, half decent special effects
(considering the ultra-low budget). If you want a film that delivers funny one
liners, amusing concepts and downright laugh out loud dialogue, you can do
worse than “Terror Toons”.
Rating: 7/10
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